On December 8, 1999 we were blessed with our second daughter, Jessica Noell Pinna. Our first born, Sydney was almost 3-years-old when she met her new baby sister.
Sydney quickly took on the roll of mother-hen, looking out for her baby sister. I remember when Sydney was in preschool, as soon as she came home she would sit Jessica down and begin "teaching". I would hear them in the playroom...Sydney would say, "Jessica, this is orange. Say orange." Jessica, in her little just learning to talk voice would say "orange". Sydney was SO excited she had taught her sister!
Although they were typical sisters and had their moments, the two were inseparable. They rarely did anything without the other.
On November 14, 2006. Just 3 weeks shy of her 7th Birthday, Jessica was fatally injured in a tragic car wreck where a teenager crossed the center line and hit the car she was riding in head-on. Jessica left behind her loving parents and only sibling.
Jessica was a 1st grader at Glenns Valley Elementary School. She loved school and was always so eager to learn. The following quote is taken from a letter written by a GV elementary teacher:
"I observed her on the playground, and Jessica was the one always in the middle of the first graders, or the leader of a long line of laughing children trailing behind her. She had the ability of bringing everyone together in an impromptu game. Jessica had the sensitivity to include others that may have needed a friend....Children were drawn to her, as were so many staff members." 11-17-2006 sd
We are so proud of what Jessica was able to accomplish in her short time here on our Earth!
We would like to express how thankful we are for our family, friends, school, church, and neighbors - basically our community as a whole. We don't know where we would be without all of your love and support.
Jim, Angie and Sydney
Dear Jessica - I love you so much. I miss your beautiful smile, your funny one-liners, and your long drawn out goodnight kisses. OXOXOX mommy
Hi Jessie - its your big sister Sydney. you are a very speical girl and i'll never forget your beautiful smile . I miss you & me singing together. I wish you were here with me but right now you are playing with the ANGELS! i love you my little Angel